Emergency communications and eoc centers to visitors of arizona and newcomers as well. Escape your living rooms and lose yourself in the best original fiction. Repeaterbook a free online repeater directory eth078. All the maps in this book are available online to members. You can use repeaterbook directly from its website, or through its app. Amateur radio association of the southern tier, inc. The data represents the repeaters frequency, offset, ctcss, pl and notes such as if it supports irlp, echolink, autopatch, etc. It usually is a high performance, high gain, heavy duty, and very efficient antenna located as high on a tower or structure as we can get it above the surrounding terrain. Special notice invitation no physical club meeting at red cross on air meetingsocial 146. Repeater books was founded in 2014 by mark fisher, tariq goddard, etan ilfeld, phil jourdan, matteo mandarini, alex niven and tamar shlaim.
Repeaterfinder is a general mobile radio service community where users can search and submit repeaters in their area. Allstar dmr dstar echolink irlp nxdn p25 system fusion wires add repeater. Jul 20, 2017 in this episode of the everything ham radio podcast, we talk with garrett dow, kd6kpc, the creator of. This repeater provides vhf repeater coverage for the joplin and surrounding area. I began cqdmrmap project some years ago to fill the need of a clean map of dmr repeaters of different networks all over the world. Repeater mapbook 2020 editionshipping 2020 by artsci books.
Repeater books 14 hrs whether corbyn and labours onetwo punch of i more libraries and ii a fair and compassionate society freed from the rapacious tentacles of a particularly cruel and venal tory cabal will be enough to fell johnson and co. Worldwide amasteur radio repeaters, including all countries not listed above. Serving missouris amateurs since 1984 sunday, march 29, 2020. We also welcome you to tune your radio into any of these local repeaters and chat with the many hams in the region. The mapbook contains locations of hundreds upon hundreds of open repeaters throughout the u.
The irlp repeater script allows you to turn an irlp node into a repeater contoller with the use of just two radios, a duplexer and antenna. Repeaterbook the worlds free repeater directory app now includes over 35 countries powered by the popular community database of and software of repeaterbook enables every ham to easily find repeaters across the the world. This site provides general information about the irlp. There are also call signs in this book that arent even amateur radio calls. We prefer complete manuscripts, but if you want to pitch something to us, please send a complete breakdown of the book you intend to write. Amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the us, canada, and mexico. Welcome to, official home of the internet radio linking project. The irlprepeater script allows you to turn an irlp node into a repeater contoller with the use of just two radios, a duplexer and antenna. It is republished every couple of years to keep it current. Originally from london, he is the author of six novels, and now lives on a farm in wiltshire. Repeaterbook is a free online repeater directory that covers all of the us and canada as well as several other countries around the world. Rsgb emerging technology coordination committee ukrepeaters internet linked repeater list.
The best directory of frequencies for repeaters around the country. Amateur radios most comprehensive, worldwide, free repeater directory. Heres some information about the people behind repeater. We have included the noaa weather frequencies for the united states. Low level 4000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 search help files.
Repeaterbook the worlds free repeater directory app now includes over 70 countries powered by the popular community database of and software of repeaterbook enables every ham to easily find repeaters across the the world. Repeater map k5ehx supporting amateur radio for the tri. I have know idea where they got this information but its close to useless. California amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the us, canada, and mexico. Amateur radio ham repeaters by location and distance. These detailed maps show all highways and major cities in each state. Gmrs repeaters, including all countries not listed above. Usa, canada, mexico and over 70 other countries, for free and without a network connection using the repeaterbook directory. Repeaterbook the worlds free repeater directory app now includes over 70 countries powered by the popular community database of. Usa, canada, mexico and over 35 other countries, for free and without a network. Antenna systems for repeater use are usually very costly and have an omnidirectional. The arrl repeater directory 20162017 pocket size edition. Use this form to generate a list of amateur repeaters to your specifications from the new england repeater directory master database.
This book is useful to ham radio operators as they travel across country. The american radio relay league arrl is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the u. Repeater submission manager powered by submittable accept and curate digital content please send us any submissions in word format. The brandmeister portal now automatically generates coverage maps for repeaters. Apr 15, 2015 the arrl repeater directory 20152016 pocket size arrl inc. Rsgb emerging technology coordination committee ukrepeaters maps. Welcome to this is a comprehensive repeater database compiled by the amateur radio community. Once sysops have entered their repeater information on brandmeister coordinates,height,power,antenna, the portal will provide a coverage map, courtesy of rf mapping leaders rfinder and cloudrf.
Publisher tariq goddard is the publisher of repeater. Marca is an organization for amateurs radio enthusiasts who are interested in sharing and pursuing their interests in the field of radio. Serving missouris amateurs since 1984 wednesday, april 1, 2020. The data represents the repeaters frequency, offset. The wia repeater download listings dont include latlong, that i can see. Favorites now you can build your own repeater list favorites find all the repeaters near any city. Artsci books mapbook 2020 edition repeater mapbook 2020. Membership includes expanded maps and no advertisements and expanded local repeater pages. Practice social distancing, cover your cough, and wash your hands. The db224e repeater antenna is located 250 agl on a microwave tower north of granby. Lots of repeater system antennas are located on a high hill or mountain. Irlp, or the internet radio linking project is a voip service that allows repeaters and simplex nodes to link via the internet. Useful for mobile, handheld and base station amateur ham radio tranceivers, receivers and scanners by kenwood, icom and yaesu. Unlike echolink, which uses a software and web based interface to utilize the connected repeaters, the irlp interface is purely radio to radio.
North american amateur radio repeaters, including the usa and its territories, canada, and mexico. Amateur radio ham radio repeater map levinecentral. Repeater books is a publishing imprint based in london, founded in 2014 by tariq goddard and mark fisher, formerly the founders of radical publishers zero books, along with etan ilfeld, tamar shlaim, alex niven and matteo mandarini. Click here to submit your club repeaterfrequency information.
776 1388 1600 1478 1090 1443 1562 454 1205 729 880 33 31 766 584 460 1580 271 854 1484 383 587 668 1548 1224 903 271 1254 1468 1120 724 1395 28 357 809 772 1141 1291 1411